Ethiopia’s Historic Route; 7 days/6 nights

Arrival   Bole International Airport

Awesome Ethiopia Tours will meet all clients arriving at the airport regardless of arrival time.  For morning flight arrivals you may begin your tour after checking into your hotel.  For afternoon or evening arrivals, you may begin your tour the following day.  

Day 01: Addis Ababa

Tour of the capital: visit Entoto Mountains with views over the capital, the National museum & St George church.

Overnight Getfam hotel, Addis ababa

Meals (B.L.D)

Day 02. Axum

Fly to Axum, beginning of Ethiopian History, with the legend of Queen of Sheba, Solomon of Israel and their son King Menelik. Morning visit the steles, St Mary of Tsion church (where legend says is deposited the Ark of Covenant), the bath and the palace of Queen of Sheba, and different archeological sites.

Overnight Sabean hotel, Axum 

Meals (B.L.D)

Day 03. Lalibela

Fly to Lalibela; transfer and check-in hotel. Have lunch. Afternoon visit the first group of the rock-hewn churches, defined as the 8th wonder in the world.

Overnight Mezena lodge, Llaibela 

Meals (B.L.D)

Day 04. Lalibela

Morning visit Naktuleab cave church. Or you can choose to walk (or with mules) to the Asheten Mariam church, with spectacular views too. Back to the hotel for lunch.
Afternoon visit the remaining churches in town. And then take part of the coffee ceremony in the hotel (the coffee ceremony in an important part of Ethiopian culture

Overnight Mezena lodge, Llaibela 

Meals (B.L.D)

Day 05.Gondar

 Fly to Gondar, transfer & check in at your hotel. Afternoon tour of Gondar, visiting the castle’s compound & King Fasiladas bath, Debre Birhan Sellasie church (light of Trinity) with wonderful murals, Qusquam monastery, Empress Mentewab palace and if time permits the Falashia village too.

Overnight Goha hotel, Gondar

Meals (B.L.D)

Day 06. Bahar Dar

Morning drive to Bahirdar, with very nice views and Amhara people villages. Check-in and lunch at your hotel in Bahirdar. Afternoon boat trip on lake Tana to admire the beautiful monasteries over the lake’s islands, as Asua Mariam and Ura Kidane Mehret, with also the visit of an Amhara people village & coffee plantations.

Overnight Kuriftu resort and spa Bahir Dar  

Meals (B.L.D)

Day 07: Addis Ababa

Morning admire the Blue Nile falls. Lunch back to your hotel in Bahar Dar. Afternoon fly to Addis Ababa. If time permits visit the Merkato, biggest open air market in Africa. Have day use room available. Dinner invited in a traditional restaurant with folkloristic dances. Then departure.

Meals (B.L.D)